The Samocca Café & Kaffeerösterei in Quedlinburg, Germany roasts the finest coffee using Maxitrol’s GV32

The Samocca Café & Kaffeerösterei in Quedlinburg, Germany roasts the finest coffee using Maxitrol’s GV32

The Samocca Café & Kafferösterei in Quedlinburg, Germany roasts, grinds, brews, and serves only the finest coffee. For its gourmet blends and coffee specialties, the company chooses specific varieties of beans from targeted growing regions the world over.

They adhere to the highest quality standards and are a member of the German Coffee Roasters Guild, so it makes sense that in the middle of the Café’s guest area sits a PROBAT coffee roaster equipped with Maxitrol’s GV32 combi­nation gas control valve. Using only the best raw coffee beans and an in-house PROBAT roaster ensures terrific coffee. In the art of roasting, it’s the timing and temper­ature that determine the flavor – roasting for exactly the right amount of time at exactly the right temperatures.

First, the beans are loaded into the feed hopper and then dropped into a preheated, rotating drum. This is called the drying phase. After a certain amount of time, it varies, you will hear the beans crack and they will start to take on a nice brown, chocolate color. The total roasting time and temper­a­tures differ greatly and depend upon several factors including the type of bean, the size of the roaster, and the type of roast desired – light, medium, or dark. But the ability to accurately control the temper­ature is extremely important and improves the consis­tency and overall quality of the roasting phase while accen­tu­ating the aroma of the beans.

This is why Maxitrol’s combi­nation and modulating gas control valves (CV series, GV30 series, and EXA series) are so popular in the coffee roasting equipment industry. Our valves provide accurate and precise and repeatable control of the pilot and main burners of the roasters. So, even though we are not in the coffee roasting/brewing business, we like to think that we help to create a flawless roast so that each bean brewed will add to your perfect morning starter.


Also inter­esting: Shade-Grown Coffee is for the Birds