E-Flame Air Control


Air Control System 

E‑Flame Air Control System

The battery powered E‑Flame Control System is used for full automatic control of combustion air in wood and solid fuel stoves. It enables appli­ances to run at peak efficiency.

The E‑Flame Control System is program­mable and can operate any appliance according to OEM speci­fi­ca­tions with minimal program/install effort by the manufac­turer. In addition to automatic operation, the E‑Flame can ‑operate the appliance manually with the RF handset.

Operating Principle

The Controller drives an Actuator that controls the primary and secondary combustion air. The optimal air volume required for a clean and economic combustion is deter­mined by using surface and exhaust sensors. 


  • OEM software configurable
  • Help fulfill the require­ments of the Ecodesign Directive
  • Controls primary and secondary combustion air
  • LED status indicator (3‑color)
  • Automatic or manual operation
  • Data logging and fault diagnosis


The E‑Flame Software Tool allows manufac­turers to set and modify a stove’s parameters. It also provides real-time data logging for perfor­mance evaluation.

🇬🇧 E-Flame Air Control System

Literature; Full automatic control of combustion air in wood and solid fuel stoves.

EFS-LT-EN-02.2024 DownloadPreview