How do we meet the world’s growing energy needs and, at the same time, minimize the environmental impact of energy use? This is the challenge we face. Natural gas, because it is abundant, affordable, and clean burning, plays a crucial role in achieving this goal.
In Germany, (Thale is home to Maxitrol’s European headquarters) almost one in every two households currently uses natural gas, making it the country’s most popular energy source. According to a recent German Association of Energy and Water Industries study, natural gas is Germany’s No. 1 energy of choice for over 80 percent of consumers.
It is estimated that Germany has recoverable natural gas volumes of up to 2,000 billion cubic meters in shale rock alone. Almost 10 billion cubic meters of natural gas are produced in Germany every year. This domestic production, which is sold almost entirely in the German market, covers about 12 percent of the domestic natural gas demand.
And just how important is natural gas to the Mitten State (home to Maxitrol world headquarters)? According to a recent report issued by the American Petroleum Institute Michigan, the answer is…extremely. It’s becoming more so every year.
Currently, Michigan is the ninth biggest user of natural gas in the United States, and over the last 10 years, the state’s consumption of natural gas has increased 130 percent. This tremendous boost is largely due to the increase in use of natural gas in low emission electricity generation. Over the same period, Michigan’s carbon dioxide emissions have decreased more than 25 percent.
So, not only is natural gas helping Michigan families (Michiganders) save money and helping its businesses lower operating costs, but it’s also helping to keep the Great Lakes State’s environment clean and healthy.