Gas Pressure Regulator Location and Inclement Weather

Gas Pressure Regulator Location and Inclement Weather

When installing Maxitrol gas pressure regulators outdoors, special consid­er­ation must be given to the regulator’s location in regard to potential weather condi­tions. Precautions must be taken to guard against snow, rain, freezing rain, below freezing temper­a­tures, and even fog. For the regulator to function properly, it is extremely important that the vent port remains open and protected from foreign materials that could cause blockage. In regions known for such weather condi­tions, a hood or even a heated enclosure may be required to protect the gas pressure regulator.

Certain Maxitrol regulators may be installed indoors using an approved vent limiter device.

Below are specific National Fuel Gas Codes (NFGC) dealing with gas pressure regulator instal­lation locations and weather. Installation codes cannot take into consid­er­ation all potential weather condi­tions at the instal­lation location, and it is recom­mended that the Authority Having Jurisdiction* be consulted.


NFPA 54 (2018)/ANSI Z223.1

Section 5.8 Gas Pressure Regulators
5.8.5 Regulator Protection. Pressure regulators shall be protected against physical damage.

5.8.5 Venting
(2) The vent shall be designed to prevent the entry of water, insects, or other foreign materials that could cause blockage.
(4) At locations where regulators might be submerged during floods, a special antiflood-type breather vent fitting shall be installed, or the vent line shall be extended above the height of the expected flood waters.


Maxitrol recom­mends that the Authority Having Jurisdiction be consulted as to venting recom­men­da­tions in flood prone areas. If water enters a gas pressure regulator or any other gas control, that control must be replaced.
Gas pressure regulators installed near a slope or on a flat rooftop or similar system must be installed so that they cannot be buried by snow, covered in ice, or submerged in water. The entire regulator must be visible at all times to be protected from damage.

On a flat rooftop, if the roof drains become blocked, flooding can occur and the regulator could become submerged in water. In freezing temper­a­tures, ice could be a problem. If the regulator is installed too close to the roof deck, even the rain splashing up from the deck could possibly enter the vent port.
Regulators installed below grade where flooding could occur can also become submerged in water, experience icing problems, or become buried in snow.

Gas Pressure Regulator Weather

Maxitrol’s certified vent protectors are designed to limit the entry of rain, ice, snow, dust, and insects. However, if any of these weather condi­tions are partic­u­larly extreme, the regulator should be installed inside the appliance enclosure (if allowed by the appliance manufac­turer) or in a condi­tioned or otherwise protected space.

1.4 Equivalency
The provi­sions of this code are not intended to prevent the use of any material, method of construction or instal­lation procedure not specif­i­cally prescribed by this code, providing any such alter­native is acceptable to the authority having juris­diction. The authority having juris­diction shall require that suffi­cient evidence be submitted to substan­tiate and claims made regarding the safety of such alternatives.

*Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ) An organi­zation, office, or individual respon­sible for enforcing the require­ments of a code or standard, or for proving equipment, materials, an instal­lation or a procedure. (3.2.2)

1.5 Enforcement
This code shall be admin­is­tered and enforced by the authority having juris­diction desig­nated by the governing authority.

Gas Pressure Regulator Weather