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Produktbroschüre: Produktübersicht

🇩🇪 AP-LC-DE-03.2021 DownloadPreview
Gasdruckregler und Filter

Produktbroschüre: Gasdruckregler und Filter (vollständiger Produktkatalog)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_11.2024 DownloadPreview

Gasdruckregler und Filter

Produktbroschüre: Gasdruckregler und Filter (Auszug)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_09.2022 (RVLM) DownloadPreview
Gasdruckregler und Filter

Produktbroschüre: Gasdruckregler und Filter (vollständiger Produktkatalog)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_11.2024 DownloadPreview
Gas Pressure Regulators Catalog

Produktbroschüre (englisch): Gas Pressure Regulators Catalog

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_09.2024 DownloadPreview

RV-STF Design (EU/UK)

Broschüre, Gasdruckreglern ohne Schließdruckcharakteristik für hohe Kapazitäten bei niedrigen Eingangsdrücken. (Auszug)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_09.2022 (RV) DownloadPreview
Gasdruckregler und Filter

Produktbroschüre: Gasdruckregler und Filter (vollständiger Produktkatalog)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_11.2024 DownloadPreview
RV-STF Design (NA)

Catalog; Original straight-thru-flow design regulators are non-lockup type for high capacities at low inlet pressures.

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_04.2022 DownloadPreview

325 Regler mit Hebelsystem

Broschüre; Die Druckregler der Serie 325 ermöglichen eine präzise Steuerung, vom vollständigen Durchfluss bis hin zum Pilotgasfluss. (Auszug)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_09.2022 (325) DownloadPreview
Gasdruckregler und Filter

Produktbroschüre: Gasdruckregler und Filter (vollständiger Produktkatalog)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_11.2024 DownloadPreview
325 Lever Acting Design

Catalog; Pounds to inches regulators feature high leverage valve linkage assembly to deliver positive dead-end lockup.

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_09.2024 DownloadPreview

RS/210 Regler mit Vordruckausgleich

Broschüre; Die Druckregler der Serie RS mit Ausgleichsmembran ermöglichen die Aufrechterhaltung eines stetigen Ausgangsdrucks bei stark variierenden Eingangsdrücken. Die Serie 210 verfügt über einen integrierten Dämpfungsmechanismus im Entlüftungsauslass und im Messrohr. (Auszug)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_09.2022 (RS/210) DownloadPreview
Gasdruckregler und Filter

Produktbroschüre: Gasdruckregler und Filter (vollständiger Produktkatalog)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_11.2024 DownloadPreview
RS Balanced Valve Design (NA)

Catalog; Lockup type regulator. Maintains steady outlet pressure control with widely varying pressures.

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_04.2022 DownloadPreview
210 Balanced Valve Design (NA)

Catalog; Lockup type regulator. Maintains steady outlet pressure control with widely varying pressures.

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_04.2022 DownloadPreview

RZ/210Z Nulldruckregler

Broschüre; zur Verwendung als Gas/Luft-Verhältnis-Regelung oder als Nulldruckregler (Auszug)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_09.2022 (RZ/210Z) DownloadPreview
Gasdruckregler und Filter

Produktbroschüre: Gasdruckregler und Filter (vollständiger Produktkatalog)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_11.2024 DownloadPreview

220 Pilot Loaded Design

Catalog; A servo-operated design rather than a spring-loaded design. (excerpt)

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_09.2024 (220) DownloadPreview
Gas Pressure Regulator and Modulator Catalog (NA)

Catalog; Gas Pressure Regulators and Modulators (full catalog)

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_09.2024 DownloadPreview

SR Series 2-Stage Design

Catalog; Ideal replacement for dual manifold systems. Combines gas pressure regulating & flame staging in single unit. (excerpt)

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_09.2024 (SR) DownloadPreview
Gas Pressure Regulator and Modulator Catalog (NA)

Catalog; Gas Pressure Regulators and Modulators (full catalog)

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_09.2024 DownloadPreview


Broschüre; Membranrisssicherung, Druckmessstutzen, Staubschutzkappe, Schutzsiegel (Auszug)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_09.2022 (Zubehör) DownloadPreview
Gasdruckregler und Filter

Produktbroschüre: Gasdruckregler und Filter (vollständiger Produktkatalog)

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE_11.2024 DownloadPreview

Catalog; Vent limiting devices, vent limiting orifice, vent tube connectors, vent protectors, vent screens, pressure tap connector.

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_04.2022 DownloadPreview
Spring Selection Chart

Catalog; Complete spring selection chart.

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_04.2022 DownloadPreview

Modulator; Modulator/Regulator Valves

Catalog; M/MR valves for atmospheric, infrared & direct fired burners (excerpt).

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_09.2024 DownloadPreview
Modulator; Modulator/Regulator Valves

Literature; M/MR valves for atmospheric, infrared & direct fired burners.

🇺🇸 MMR_MT_EN_09.2017 DownloadPreview
Gas Pressure Regulator and Modulator Catalog (NA)

Catalog; Gas Pressure Regulators and Modulators (full catalog)

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_09.2024 DownloadPreview

DFM Temp. Control System

Literature; For direct fired makeup air heaters. DFM14 & 14E control discharge air temperature. DFM44 & 44E control space temperature.

🇺🇸 FL2104 01/06 DownloadPreview
MP2 & MP2+ Series

Literature; Programmable process & temperature control system.

🇺🇸 MP2_MS_EN_04.2008 DownloadPreview

Programming Guide; Programming, operation, field checklist, valve adjustment.

🇺🇸 MP2_UG_EN_07.2007(08.2013) DownloadPreview
MP2+ Temperature Controller

User/Programming Guide; for multiple temperature critical & time sensitive process applications required temperatures 60°F to 240°F.

🇺🇸 MP2+_UG_EN_07.2007(08.2013) DownloadPreview
SC11 Signal Conditioners

Installation Instructions; For direct or indirect fired applications. Drives multiple Selectra valves simultaneously.

🇺🇸 SC11_OEM_MS_EN_11.2017 DownloadPreview
SC11 & SC25S Signal Conditioner

Installation Instructions; Analog signal conditioners convert selectable 0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA control signal to an output level capable of driving one or more Selectra valves.

🇺🇸 SC11S_25S_MS_EN_11.2017 DownloadPreview
SC30 Signal Conditioner

Installation Instructions; Converts a selectable 0-10 VDC to a 0-20 VDC signal capable of driving a Selectra valve.

🇺🇸 SC30_MS_EN_09.2012 DownloadPreview
SC30-SM2 Signal Conditioner

Installation Instructions; Used with M420, M520, M620 on atmospheric indirect fired heaters w/sectioned manifold & 2-speed inducer.

🇺🇸 SC30-SM2_MS_EN_12.2020 DownloadPreview
Selectra Series 14 & 44

Condensed Catalog; Series 14: makeup air heating, direct fired equipment. Series 44: space heating, direct fired equipment.

🇺🇸 SEL1444_CC_EN_12.2015 DownloadPreview
Selectra Series 20 & 21

Condensed Catalog; Series 20: space heating, indirect fired units w/atmospheric burners. Series 21: makeup air heating, indirect fired units w/atmospheric burners.

🇺🇸 SEL2021_CC_EN.08.2014 DownloadPreview
Selectra Series 14 & 94

Literature; Paint spray booth applications: Series 14 dual temp dials; w/switch; integral to amplifier. Series 94 dual dial w/LED display; "M" series microprocessor.

🇺🇸 MS2101 (09/03) DownloadPreview
TDDFM14 Thermostat

Owner's Manual; Features, wiring & mounting, programming, trouble shooting.

🇺🇸 TDDFM14_OM_EN_11.2003 DownloadPreview
TDFM44 Thermostat

Owner's Manual; Features, wiring & mounting, programming, trouble shooting.

🇺🇸 TDFM44_OM_EN_11.2003 DownloadPreview

EXA E40, 50, 60 Modulating Valves

Condensed Catalog; Valves provide accurate/precise control Repeatable process control w/minimal hysteresis throughout modulation range.

🇺🇸 EXA_X1_MS_EN_10.2023 DownloadPreview
EXA E42, 52, 62 Modulating Valves

Condensed Catalog; Valves have a linear relationship between the control signal & flow rate.

🇺🇸 EXA_X2_MS_EN_10.2023 DownloadPreview
EXA Power Supply Compatibility

Half-wave & full-wave rectified power supplies take incoming AC per from a transformer and convert it to DC power.

🇺🇸 ENG_ISOL_EN_05.2011 DownloadPreview

Series MX40 Discharge Air Temperature Control System

Literature; For use with atmospheric indirect fired heaters using 2-stage inducer. Typical applications achieve 5:1 turndown.

🇺🇸 MX40_MS_EN_04.2019 DownloadPreview
Series MX4010 Discharge Air Temperature Control System

Literature; For use with split manifold atmospheric indirect fired heaters. Split manifold operates as two independent manifold sections sharing single inducer. Typical applications achieve 10:1 turndown.

🇺🇸 MX4010_MS_EN_04.2019 DownloadPreview
SC40-SM2 Series Signal Conditioner

Installation Instructions; Used with E42, E52, E62 Series modulating vavles. Designed to modulate atmospheric indirect fired heaters with sectioned manifold & 2-speed inducer.

🇺🇸 SC40-SM2_MS_EN_04.2019 DownloadPreview
SC40 Series Signal Conditioner

Installation Instructions; Used with E42H, E52H, E62H series modulating valves. Designed for modulate atmospheric indirect fired heaters with 2-speed inducer.

🇺🇸 SC40_MS_EN_02.2020 DownloadPreview

SC11 Signal Conditioners

Installation Instructions; For direct or indirect fired applications. Drives multiple Selectra valves simultaneously.

🇺🇸 SC11_OEM_MS_EN_11.2017 DownloadPreview
SC11 & SC25S Signal Conditioner

Installation Instructions; Analog signal conditioners convert selectable 0-10 VDC or 4-20 mA control signal to an output level capable of driving one or more Selectra valves.

🇺🇸 SC11S_25S_MS_EN_11.2017 DownloadPreview
SC30 Signal Conditioner

Installation Instrucitons; Converts a selectable 0-10 VDC to a 0-20 VDC signal capable of driving a Selectra valve.

🇺🇸 SC30_MS_EN_09.2012 DownloadPreview
SC30-SM2 Signal Conditioner

Installation Instructions; Used with M420, M520, M620 on atmospheric indirect fired heaters w/sectioned manifold & 2-speed inducer.

🇺🇸 SC30-SM2_MS_EN_12.2020 DownloadPreview
SC40 Series Signal Conditioner

Installation Instructions; Used with E42H, E52H, E62H series modulating valves. Designed for modulate atmospheric indirect fired heaters with 2-speed inducer.

🇺🇸 SC40_MS_EN_12.2020 DownloadPreview
SC40-SM2 Series Signal Conditioner

Installation Instructions; Used with E42, E52, E62 Series modulating vavles. Designed to modulate atmospheric indirect fired heaters with sectioned manifold & 2-speed inducer.

🇺🇸 SC40_SM2_MS_EN_10.2020 DownloadPreview

Gas- & Luftfilter

Broschüre; Schützen Sie nachgeschaltete Regler und Absperrventile vor Beschädigung durch Partikel. Erlaubt keine Partikelinfiltration von mehr als 0,05 mm (50 Mikron).

🇩🇪 EU/UK, Metrische Einheiten; GDR.GF-LT-DE-11.2024 DownloadPreview
Gas & Air Filters

Catalog; Protect downstream controls (regulators, shut-off valves) from particulate damage. Will not allow particle infiltration more than 0.05mm (50 microns).

🇺🇸 North America, Imperial Units; GPR_MS_EN_04.2022 DownloadPreview

GV30/GV30A Serie Gas-Mehrfachstellgeräte für Grossküchentechnik

Produktbroschüre; GV30/GV30A Mehrfachstellgeräte für Großküchengeräte


🇩🇪 GV30.GV30A-LC-DE-07.2024_Cooking DownloadPreview

GV60 Elektronisches Zünd- und Steuerungssystem mit Fernbedienung (G6R)

🇩🇪 GV60-B-OI-DE-03.2023 DownloadPreview
GV30 Serie Gas-Mehrfachstellgeräte

GV30 Serie Gas-Mehrfachstellgeräte – Ventil und Einstellknopf-Versionen

🇩🇪 GV30-SS-DE-07.2024 DownloadPreview
GV30 Serie Gas-Mehrfachstellgeräte

GV30 Serie Gas-Mehrfachstellgeräte – Einstellknopf-Versionen

🇩🇪 GV30-SS-DE-07.2024 DownloadPreview
GV30 Pressure Switch

Produktinformation (englisch); GV30 pressure switch

🇬🇧 GV30-LC-EN-09.2019-Switch DownloadPreview
GV60 Bidirektionales Steuersystem

Bedienungsanleitung; GV60 Bidirektionales Steuersystem zur Verwendung mit myfire Puck™, Symax® Fernbedienungen und myfire® App

🇩🇪 GV60-OI-DE-03.2023 DownloadPreview
GV60 Elektronisches Zünd- und Steuersystem mit Fernbedienung

Bedienungsanleitung; GV60 elektronisches Zünd- und Steuersystem mit Fernbedienung (Ausführung G6R)

🇩🇪 GV60-B-OI-DE-03.2023 DownloadPreview
GV60 Informationen zur Leistungsaufnahme

Datenblatt; Leistungsaufnahme des bidirektionalen elektronischen Fernzündungs- und Steuerungssystems GV60

🇩🇪 GV60-DS-DE_07.2019_PCG DownloadPreview
GV30 Schnittmodell

Poster; GV30 Schnittmodell; Ventilfunktion.

🇬🇧 GV30-LP-EN-01.2016 DownloadPreview

CV100, CV200, CV300 Gas Combination Controls

Condensed Catalog; Gas Combination Controls: CV100, CV200, CV300.

🇺🇸 CV-LT-EN-01.2023 DownloadPreview
CV100 Combination Gas Valve

Sizing chart; Single solenoid shut-off valve with built-in pressure regulator.

🇺🇸 CV100_MS_EN_07.2021 DownloadPreview
CV200 Combination Gas Valve

Sizing chart; Dual solenoid shut-off valve with built-in pressure regulator.

🇺🇸 CV200_MS_EN_07.2021 DownloadPreview
CV300 Combination Gas Valve

Sizing chart; Dual solenoid shut-off valve with built-in pressure regulator.

🇺🇸 CV300_MS_EN_07.2021 DownloadPreview

GV60 Power Consumption Guide

Literature; Power consumption of GV60 bi-directional system components.

🇬🇧 EU/UK, GV60-DS-EN-07.2019-PCG DownloadPreview
G60 Mains Adapter

Operating Instructions; To convert mains adapter EU, UK, U.S.

🇬🇧 EU/UK, North America; GVac-OI-EN-05.2016-Mains_Adapter DownloadPreview
GV-S60 Latching Solenoid Valve

Literature; Latching solenoid valve controls two burner applications.

🇬🇧 GV-S60-LT-EN.DE.FR.NL-06.2022 DownloadPreview
Symax Handset Wall Holder

Instructions; Symax remote handset wall holder.

🇬🇧 GVAC-II-EN.DE-01.2021-WANDHA DownloadPreview
G6R Handset Wall Holder

Instructions; G6R remote handset wall holder.

🇬🇧 GVAC-LT-DE.EN-03.2022-WANDHA DownloadPreview

🇩🇪 E-Flame Abbrandsteuerung

Broschüre; Abbrandsteuerung für Holz- & Festbrennstofföfen

EFS-LT-DE-02.2024 DownloadPreview

SENTRY GS Gasströmungswächter für die Gasinstallation

Produktbroschüre: Gasströmungswächter für die Gasinstallation

🇩🇪 GSH-LT-DE-01.2022 DownloadPreview
SENTRY GS Gasströmungswächter für Netzanschlussleitungen

Produktbroschüre: Gasströmungswächter für Netzanschlussleitungen


🇩🇪 GSE-LT-DE-02.2022 DownloadPreview
SENTRY GS excess flow valves and SENTRY GT thermal cut-off devices

Produktbroschüre (englisch): Thermal cut-off devices for legacy installations & excess flow valves for the UK.

🇬🇧 UK, GSH.GT-LT-EN-02.2023-UK DownloadPreview

SENTRY GT Absperreinrichtungen und Gasabsperrkugelhähne

Produktbroschüre: Thermisch auslösende Absperreinrichtungen und Gasabsperrkugelhähne

🇩🇪 GT.KD-LT-DE-11.2022 DownloadPreview
Thermal cut-off devices for legacy installations & excess flow valves for the UK.

Produktbroschüre (englisch): SENTRY GS excess flow valves and SENTRY GT thermal cut-off devices for the UK

🇬🇧 UK, GSH.GT-LT-EN-02.2023-UK DownloadPreview

Manual Ball Valves

Technical literature; For gas, water, oil, steam. Body of forged brass, female NPT inlet & outlet, chrome plated ball & anticorrosion Dacromet treated handle.

🇬🇧 BV-LT-EN-10.2023 DownloadPreview

GW40B/GW50B GW Combination Gas/Water Control Valves

Produktbroschüre (englisch): GW40B/GW50B Gas-water combination controls for use in instantaneous gas-water heaters

🇬🇧 GWB-LT-EN-11.2021 DownloadPreview
GW40/GW50 Ersatzteile

Produktinformation (deutsch/englisch): Ersatzteile für GW40/GW50 Gas-Wasserarmaturen

🇩🇪 🇬🇧 GWsp-LT-DE.EN-11.2021 DownloadPreview